Preparation and Advice for Thread Vein Sclerotherapy


General after care advise for all procedures is on the aftercare page

Preparation and advice for thread vein injections

Thread vein injections are carried out in the out-patient clinic. The procedure will have minimal impact upon you and you can drive yourself to and from the appointment.

Before the procedure you can eat and drink as normal.

Clothing should preferable be loose fitting and avoid white or light coloured clothes. Tracksuit bottoms or shorts are ideal.

Care after a thread vein injection

The injection fluid is supposed to irritate the veins in order to close them. After your procedure there may be bruising, discoloration or itch. It is important not to scratch the area that has been treated, as you may break the skin, leading to an ulcer.

Avoid sun exposure (included artificial UV exposure such as sunbeds) to the treatment areas for 2-4 weeks. Sun exposure can cause the skin to become darken and the injection sites and this can become permanent.

Avoid hot showers and hot baths for 2 weeks. It is also advised to avoid visits to Spas and Sauna rooms for the same period. Swimming is okay after 24 hours.

You are encouraged to mobilise and walk after sclerotherapy. Exercise is okay, but try and avoid impact sports and strenuous exercise (e.g spin classes) for 48 hours after treatment.

Some aching and pain (especially at night) can occur after sclerotherapy treatment. Usually this does not need pain relief but it is ok to take paracetamol or similar light pain relief. Any excessive pain should be reported to your consultant surgeon.

If you have had a larger varicose vein treated or some foam sclerotherapy administered then it is normal for the vein to become a hard lump. Usually this will slowly disappear.

It can take some time for the result to be seen, in the order of 4-12 weeks and sometimes longer. Don't worry and if there are any concerns get back in touch with us.

Problems after the procedure

If you have any problems or issues after the procedure you can contact us directly on the freephone number or by email. Note that this is not monitored at all times. It can be helpful to attach a photo to the email, this often helps.

For any urgent matter please call the clinic where you had your procedure.
In an emergency you will need to contact 999 or attend your local A&E

Spire Clare Park, Farnham: 01252 850216 ext 718 1215
Frimley Park, Parkside Suite: 0300 6136876 or 0300 6136877